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blog of sodium citrate
  • Writer's pictureMIRECA INTERNATIONAL

The Ultimate Guide to Sodium Citrate in Soft Drinks

Updated: Apr 4

Soft drinks are a popular and refreshing choice for people all around the world, with billions of gallons consumed annually. These carbonated beverages primarily consist of carbonated water, sugar, and various flavorings. The United States alone accounts for 25% of the global beverage market, making non-alcoholic beverages a highly sought-after commodity. One essential ingredient in these beverages is sodium citrate, which serves multiple purposes and significantly impacts the overall taste, texture, and quality of the products. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the world of sodium citrate and its uses in soft drinks, providing you with all the information you need to know.

Sodium citrate in soft drinks

Sodium Citrate: An Overview

Sodium citrate, also known as trisodium citrate, is a food additive that is widely used in the food industry for various purposes. It acts as an acidity regulator, emulsifier, stabilizer, and even as a flavoring agent. With its slightly acidic taste, sodium citrate can enhance the flavor profile of many types of beverages, including lemonades, sports drinks, and carbonated soft drinks. In addition to its applications in food, sodium citrate is also used as an antioxidant, preventing the browning of fruits and vegetables.

Sodium Citrate in Carbonated Flavored Soft Drinks

The use of sodium citrate in carbonated flavored soft drinks is crucial for improving taste and ensuring a consistent, enjoyable drinking experience. Proper buffering agents, such as sodium citrate, can enhance the flavor of carbonated beverages, ensuring a long-lasting and satisfying taste. This is especially important for drinks with a high lemon or citrus content, as these flavors can often be overpowering without the right balance.

It is essential to note that not all buffering agents are suitable for use in beverages due to their potential negative effects on the ingredients or the taste of the final product. Sodium citrate, however, is an ideal choice for non-alcoholic beverages as it effectively reduces the active acidity of the product, increasing its pH and creating a more pleasant taste.

The Role of Acids and Salts in Beverages

Acids and their corresponding acidic salts, such as citric acid and sodium citrate, play a vital role in the formulation of beverages. They are used to create a buffer system that provides better pH control and a more intense flavor. These additives can also have a preservative effect, increasing the shelf life of the product. For example, vitamin C as an antioxidant can retain color and other vitamins for more extended periods, while sodium citrate and sodium phosphates can prevent oxidation by tracking heavy metal effects, such as those from iron.

Preparation and Guidelines for Using Sodium Citrate in Soft Drinks

When incorporating sodium citrate into soft drink formulations, it is essential to follow specific preparation and storage guidelines to ensure an optimum final product. Here, we outline the critical steps and considerations for using sodium citrate in soft drinks.

Step-by-Step Preparation

  1. Place water in a suitable container and agitate using an overhead mixer to form a vortex.

  2. Dissolve the required amount of sodium benzoate in water.

  3. Dissolve citric acid and sodium citrate under constant agitation.

  4. Pre-blend sweeteners, such as Reb M stevia leaf sweetener and crystalline erythritol, continuing to agitate until they are entirely dissolved/dispersed (5-10 minutes).

  5. Slowly add flavor under constant shear for 5 minutes.

  6. Store the beverage under refrigeration prior to carbonation.

  7. Carbonate the beverage.

Important Guidelines

  • Always add sodium benzoate as the first ingredient to water. If added after acids, it may form a thick, white, gelatinous precipitate, creating a milky-white cloud in the beverage. Using warm water will aid in the dissolution of the preservative.

  • Refrigerate the product before carbonation to obtain an optimum carbonation volume.

The Benefits of Sodium Citrate in Soft Drinks

Sodium citrate offers numerous benefits when used in carbonated flavored soft drinks. Some of these benefits include:

Improved Taste

As a buffering agent, sodium citrate can enhance the taste of carbonated soft drinks, ensuring a more enjoyable and satisfying drinking experience. This is particularly important for citrus-based drinks, as sodium citrate can balance the natural acidity of these flavors.

Enhanced Color, Aroma, and Flavor

Adding sodium citrate to the flavorings of carbonated soft drinks can improve the color, aroma, and overall flavor of these beverages, making them more appealing to consumers.

pH Control

Sodium citrate can effectively control the pH of soft drinks, ensuring a more pleasant taste and preventing any potential negative effects on the ingredients.

Increased Shelf Life

As a preservative, sodium citrate can increase the shelf life of soft drinks, ensuring that they remain fresh and enjoyable for longer periods.

Applications of Sodium Citrate in Other Industries

In addition to its use in soft drinks, sodium citrate has a wide range of applications in various other industries. Some of these include:

Ice Cream

Sodium citrate is used as an emulsifier in ice cream, helping to create a smooth and creamy texture.


In jams, sodium citrate can act as a stabilizer, ensuring a consistent product and preventing separation.

Milk Powder

Sodium citrate is used 2in milk powder production to improve solubility and prevent clumping.

Industrial Cheeses

Sodium citrate is used as an emulsifier in industrial cheeses, helping to create a smooth and even texture.

Chlorinated Beverages

In chlorinated beverages, sodium citrate is used to provide an acidic taste and enhance the overall flavor profile.


Sodium citrate is a versatile and essential ingredient in the world of soft drinks, providing numerous benefits and improving the overall quality of these beverages. Its ability to balance acidity, enhance flavor, and increase shelf life makes it a valuable addition to any soft drink formulation. By understanding the role of sodium citrate in soft drinks and following the appropriate preparation and storage guidelines, manufacturers can ensure a consistent and enjoyable product for consumers. Whether you're a casual drinker or a professional in the beverage industry, understanding the importance of sodium citrate in soft drinks is crucial to appreciate the science behind these refreshing beverages.

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